If you are visiting this page, you are hopefully wanting to offer additional support and help to the museum. There are three ways to do this.
Become a member
Become a volunteer
Make a donation
Membership to Calderdale Industrial Museum (CIMA) means joining an enthusiastic community who provide additional support to the museum. Not only will you be able to visit the museum for a whole year at no additional cost, but you will receive regular newsletters and updates about what is happening in the museum, together with invites to special talks and events at the museum. We currently have around 200 members.
The cost of a years membership to Calderdale Industrial Museum Association is only £15 for individual membership or £23 for a two people at the same address. Please contact the museum if you are interested in Corporate membership.
If you would like to join, please download a membership form and return it to the museum with your payment.
The museum is run almost entirely by a team of around 70 volunteers. They are responsible for all aspects of maintaining, restoring and and improving the museum and are managed by 11 elected volunteer directors. The directors are responsible for leading the rest of the volunteers in everything from the management of the collections and the mounting of exhibitions right through to building work, marketing and education. There is something suitable for everyone to get involved with, no matter what your skill set or interest is. It is also a great opportunity to make new friends and become part of an enthusiastic and dedicated community. The volunteers organise regular days out and social events.
Here are a few photos of our volunteers !
We hold weekly volunteer work days Monday to Thursday 10am to 4pm, and are also open every Saturday, with volunteers responsible for showing visitors around the museum, and running the cafe and shop.
As a regular volunteer, you will also receive a “Pink Pass”. The Pink Passes are produced by Museum Development Yorkshire, and are part of their Museum Volunteer Pass scheme. This is a mutually beneficial partnership between participating museums and entitles volunteers to gain various benefits such as free entry and/or additional benefits to other participating museums in the North East, North West and Yorkshire and Humberside regions. A leaflet is produced annually listing all participating museums and the benefits at each institution. For more information please click HERE
To find out more about becoming a volunteer, please drop into the museum for an informal chat with the volunteers, or email manager@calderdaleindustrial.co.uk.
If you would like to know more about how the museum is organised and run, please read the documents below.
Donations are needed to help with the upkeep of our current artefacts and also to improve and refurbish the current displays. We have just completed the restoration of the waterwheel and are hoping that the fulling stocks will be operating again soon. The cork area is also undergoing a major revamp and re-interpretation ready for when the museum can reopen, and work on the wire drawing display is almost complete. These projects are in addition to the regular maintenance of the rest of the museum.
To donate to the museum, please click here : DONATE
Due to a major problem with damp in the mine/ceramics/quarrying area in the basement, we have also had to carry out a major program of renovation and improvement. This project is now nearing completion, and we are hoping to be able to return the exhibits to their rightful homes in the New Year.
Last but not least, is the creation of the new “Fleece to Piece” exhibition on the top floor of the museum, which will tell the story of pre-industrial textiles and how worsted cloth was manufactured from sheep’s wool. This was an essential industry based in Calderdale from medieval times, and provided the fertile grounds for the seeds of the industrial revolution to take root. Here are a few photos to give a taste of what we are hoping to achieve.
Donations are needed to help the Museum to further enhance and improve the visitor experience.
If you do decide to donate to the museum, become a member or a volunteer, all at the museum would like to thank you for your support.
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