The resources pages are being developed to hold downloadable resources to make your visit to the museum more valuable.
As we find and develop resources they will be added as downloads listed below. You may find amongst these:
Pre-visit Resources
Resources to develop key ideas and vocabulary that will help pupils understand what they see and do on visits.
Post-visit Resources
Resources to stimulate follow-up work in the classroom, on the topic of the visit or to develop literacy, numeracy and other curriculum areas.
Self-Learning Resources
Resources for activities learners can undertake at home, linked to school work or to expand knowledge and interest in what they have seen in the museum.
Resource Downloads
Resources will be listed here when available. Please register and login to access the downloads.
The Challenge Pack – The Water Wheel Challenge
Register and login to download The Challenge Pack and experiment resources below.
Home Investigation
Find out what is the difference between over shot, breast shot and under shot waterwheels, and why and where these different kinds of waterwheels were used.
And when you have discovered this, find out the extra advantage of a back shot waterwheel – like the waterwheel in the museum.
Home Activity
Make a windmill – Download the instructions and kit below once registered and logged into the site.
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